Journal Articles & Book Chapters
- Fralick, P., Davis, D.W., Afroz, M., Ramsay, B., Patry, L., Wilmeth, D., Homann, M., Sansjofre, P., Riding, R., Lalonde, S.V. 2025. Earth’s earliest known extensive, thick carbonate platform suggested by new age constraints. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 656 (2025) 119273 Download PDF (20Mb)
- Fralick, P., Himmler, T., Lalonde, S.V., Riding, R. 2024. Localized geochemical variability produced by depositional and diagenetic processes in a 2.8 Ga Ca-carbonate system: A cautionary paradigm. Precambrian Research 410 (2024) 107499 Download PDF (34Mb)
- Fang, H., Fralick, P., Ramsay, B., Tang, D., Riding, R. 2024. Non-zero I/(Ca + Mg) recorded in Archean and Paleoproterozoic shallow marine Ca-carbonate sediments. Precambrian Research 405 (2024) 107350 Download PDF (2Mb)
- Banerjee, S., Ghosh, P., Banerjee, Y., and Riding, R. 2023. Oxygen isotopic composition of Paleoproterozoic seawater revealed by clumped isotope analysis of dolomite, Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah, India. Chemical Geology 621 (2023) 121356. Download PDF (4.8Mb)
- Tang, D-J., Shi, X-Y, Zhou, X-Q., and Riding, R. 2023. Mesoproterozoic biomineralization: Cyanobacterium-like filamentous siderite sheaths ~1.4 Ga. Journal of Palaeogeography, View online Download PDF (8Mb)
- Tang, D., Fang, H., Shi, X., Liang, L., Zhou, L., Xie, B., Huang, K., Zhou, X., Wu, M., and Riding, R. 2023. Mesoproterozoic molar tooth structure related to increased marine oxygenation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2022JG007077. View online Download PDF (9.3Mb)
- Riding, R., Liang, L., and Fralick, P. 2022. Oxygen-induced chemocline precipitation between Archean Fe-rich and Fe-poor carbonate seas. Precambrian Research 383 (2022) 106902. Download PDF (20Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2022. Stromatolite-rimmed thrombolite columns and domes constructed by microstromatolites, calcimicrobes and sponges in late Cambrian biostromes, Texas, USA. Sedimentology doi: 10.1111/sed.13048. Download PDF (20Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2022. Recognizing sponge in Spongiostroma Gürich, 1906 from the Mississippian of Belgium. Journal of Paleontology, p. 1-12. Download PDF (3Mb)
- Fang, H., et al. 2022. Early Mesoproterozoic Ca-carbonate precipitates record fluctuations in shallow marine oxygenation. Precambrian Research 373 (2022) 106630 Download PDF (39.3Mb)
- Shields, G.A., et al. 2022. A template for an improved rock-based subdivision of the pre-Cryogenian timescale. Journal of the Geological Society, 179, Download PDF (2.7Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2021. The ‘classic stromatolite’ Cryptozoön is a keratose sponge-microbial consortium. Geobiology 19: 189–198. Download PDF (3.6Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2021. Keratolite–stromatolite consortia mimic domical and branched columnar stromatolites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514:110288. Download PDF (14Mb)
- Szilagyi, Zs., Webster, J.M., Patterson, M.A., Hips, K., Riding, R., Foley, M., Humblet, M., Yokoyama, Y., Liang, L., Gischler, E., Montaggioni, L., Gherardi, D., and Braga, J.C. 2020. Controls on the spatio-temporal distribution of microbialite crusts on the Great Barrier Reef over the past 30,000 years. Marine Geology 429 (2020) 106312. Download PDF (14Mb)
- Riding, R. and Virgone, A. 2020. Hybrid Carbonates: in situ abiotic, microbial and skeletal co-precipitates. Earth-Science Reviews 208 (2020) 103300. Download PDF (9Mb)
- Liu, L., Liang, L., Wu, Y., Zhou, X., Jia, L., and Riding, R. 2020. Ordovician cyanobacterial calcification: A marine fossil proxy for atmospheric CO2. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530, 115950. Download PDF (3Mb)
- Riding, R., Liang, L., Lee, J-H., and Virgone, A. 2019. Influence of dissolved oxygen on secular patterns of marine microbial carbonate abundance during the past 490 Myr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514: 135-143. Download PDF (700Kb)
- Braga, J.C., Puga-Bernabéu, A., Heindel, K., Patterson, M.A., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Sanchez-Almazo, I.M., Webster, J.M., Yokoyama, Y., and Riding, R. 2019. Microbialites in Last Glacial Maximum and deglacial reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (IODP Expedition 325, NE Australia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514: 1-17. Download PDF (8Mb)
- Lee, J.H., Dattilo, B.F., Mrozek, S., Miller, J.F., and Riding, R. 2019. Lithistid sponge-microbial reefs, Nevada, USA: Filling the late Cambrian ‘reef gap’. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 520: 251–262. Download PDF (9Mb)
- Amodio, S., Barattolo, F., Riding, R. 2018. Early Cretaceous dendritic shrub-like fabric in karstified peritidal carbonates from southern Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 373: 134–146. Download PDF (14Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2018. Marine oxygenation, lithistid sponges, and the early history of Paleozoic skeletal reefs. Earth-Science Reviews, 181: 98-121. Download PDF (2.8Mb)
- Tosti, F. and Riding, R. 2017. Fine-grained agglutinated elongate columnar stromatolites: Tieling Formation, ca 1420 Ma, North China. Sedimentology, 64: 871-902. Download PDF (16Mb)
- Tosti, F. and Riding, R. 2017. Current molded, storm damaged, sinuous columnar stromatolites: Mesoproterozoic of northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 465: 93-102. Download PDF (2.4Mb)
- Lee, J-H., Hong, J., Choh, S-J., Lee, D-J., Woo, J., and Riding, R. 2016. Early recovery of sponge framework reefs after Cambrian archaeocyath extinction: Zhangxia Formation (early Cambrian Series 3), Shandong, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 457: 269-276. Download PDF (2.8Mb)
- Liu, L., Wu, Y., Jiang, H., and Riding, R. 2016. Calcified rivulariaceans from the Ordovician of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China, Phanerozoic lagoonal examples, and possible controlling factors. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448: 371-381. Download PDF (4.4Mb)
- Lee, J-H. and Riding, R. 2016. Xianella: a new mat-forming calcified cyanobacterium from the middle-late Ordovician of North China. Papers in Palaeontology 2: 439-449. Download PDF (11.3Mb)
- Liu, L., Wu, Y., Yang, H., and Riding, R. 2016. Ordovician calcified cyanobacteria and associated microfossils from the Tarim Basin, Northwest China: systematics and significance. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 14: 183-210. Download PDF (5.6Mb)
- Fralick, P. and Riding, R. 2015. Steep Rock Lake: Sedimentology and geochemistry of an Archean carbonate platform. Earth-Science Reviews, 151: 132-175. Download PDF (22Mb)
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- Matysik, M., Al-Ramadan, K., and Riding, R. 2015. Composition and morphology of Early Devonian microbial and metazoan patch reefs: Qasr Member of the Jauf Formation, northwestern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 85: 45-61. Download PDF (7.5Mb)
- Wu, Y-S., Yu, G-L., Li, R-H., Song, L-R., Jiang, H-X., Riding, R., Liu, L-J., Liu, D-Y., and Zhao, R. 2014. Cyanobacterial fossils from 252 Ma old microbialites and their environmental significance. Scientific Reports 4, 3820, doi:10.1038/srep03820
- Riding, R., Fralick, P., and Liang, L. 2014. Identification of an Archean marine oxygen oasis. Precambrian Research 251, 232-237 Download PDF (1.7Mb)
- Riding, R., Liang, L., and Braga, J.C. 2014. Millennial-scale ocean acidification and late Quaternary decline of cryptic bacterial crusts in tropical reefs. Geobiology 12, 387-405. Download PDF (1.2Mb)
- Sanfilippo, R., Rosso, A., Guido, A., Mastandrea, A., Russo, F., Riding, R., and Ruggiero, E.T. 2014. Metazoan/microbial biostalactites from present-day
submarine caves in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology (2014) 1-17.
- Săsăran, E., Bucur, I.I., Pleş, G., and Riding, R. 2014. Late Jurassic Epiphyton-like cyanobacteria: indicators of long-term episodic variation in marine bioinduced microbial calcification? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, online. Download PDF (4.3Mb)
- Guido, A., Mastandrea, A., Rosso, A., Sanfilippo, R., Tosti, F., Riding, R., and Russo, F. 2014. Commensal symbiosis between agglutinated polychaetes
and sulfate-reducing bacteria. Geobiology, online. Download PDF (1Mb)
- Tosti, F., Mastandrea, A., Guido, A., Demasi, F., Russo, F., and Riding, R. 2014.
Biogeochemical and redox record of mid–late Triassic reef evolution in the Italian Dolomites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399: 52-66. Download PDF (5.1Mb)
- Suárez-González, P., Quijada, I.E., Benito, M.I., Mas, R., Merinero, R., and Riding, R. 2014. Origin and significance of lamination in Lower Cretaceous stromatolites and proposal for a quantitative approach. Sedimentary Geology 300: 11-27. Download PDF (7.8Mb)
- Riding, R. 2012. A hard life for cyanobacteria. Science 336: 427-428. Download PDF (380Kb)
- Konhauser, K. and Riding, R. 2012. Bacterial biomineralization. In: A. H. Knoll, D. E. Canfield, and K. O. Konhauser (eds), Fundamentals of Geobiology. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp. 105-130.
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- Riding, R. 2011. The nature of stromatolites: 3,500 million years of history and a century of research. In J. Reitner, N-V. Quéric and G. Arp. (eds), Advances in Stromatolite Geobiology, Springer, Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 131: 29-74.
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- Riding, R. 2011. Reefal microbial crusts. In D. Hopley (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 911-915.
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- Riding, R. 2011. Calcified cyanobacteria. In J. Reitner and V. Thiel (eds), Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 211-223.
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- Riding, R. 2011. Microbialites, stromatolites and thrombolites. In J. Reitner and V. Thiel (eds), Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 635-654.
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- Feng, Q., Gong, Y–M, and Riding, R. 2010. Mid–Late Devonian calcified marine algae and cyanobacteria, South China. Journal of Paleontology 84: 569–587.
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- Oliveri, E., Neri, R., Bellanca, A. and Riding, R. 2010. Carbonate stromatolites from a Messinian hypersaline setting in the Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily: petrographic evidence of microbial activity and related stable isotope and REE signatures. Sedimentology 57: 142-161.
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- Riding, R. 2009. An atmospheric stimulus for cyanobacterial bioinduced calcification ca. 350 million years ago? PALAIOS, 24: 685–696.
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- Webster, J.M., Braga, J.C., Clague, D.A., Gallup, C., Hein, J.R., Potts, D.C., Renema, W., Riding, R., Riker–Coleman, K., Silver, E., and Wallace, L.M. 2009. Coral reef evolution on rapidly subsiding margins. Global and Planetary Change 66: 129–148. Download PDF (7.3Mb)
- Riding, R. 2008. Abiogenic, microbial and hybrid authigenic carbonate crusts: components of Precambrian stromatolites. Geologia Croatica 61: 73–103. Download PDF (1Mb)
- Kah, L.C. and Riding, R. 2007. Mesoproterozoic carbon dioxide levels inferred from calcified cyanobacteria. Geology 35: 799–802. Download PDF (285Kb)
- Riding, R. 2006. Cyanobacterial calcification, carbon dioxide concentrating mechanisms, and Proterozoic–Cambrian changes in atmospheric composition. Geobiology 4: 299–316. Download PDF (511Kb)
- Braga, J.C., Martín, J.M., Riding, R., Aguirre, J., Sánchez–Almazo, I.M., Dinarès–Turell, J. 2006. Testing models for the Messinian Salinity Crisis: the Messinian record in Almería, SE Spain. Sedimentary Geology 189–190: 131–154. Download PDF (1.82Mb)
- Riding, R. 2006. Microbial carbonate abundance compared with fluctuations in metazoan diversity over geological time. Sedimentary Geology 185: 229–238. Download PDF (363Kb)
- Riding, R. and Tomás, S. 2006. Stromatolite reef crusts, Early Cretaceous, Spain: bacterial origin of in situ precipitated peloid microspar? Sedimentology 53: 23–34. Download PDF (1.53Mb)
- Aguirre, J. and Riding, R. 2005. Dasycladalean algal biodiversity compared with global variations in temperature and sea level over the past 350 Myr. PALAIOS 20: 581–588. Download PDF (965Kb)
- Riding, R. 2005. A Late Silurian extinction event and anachronistic period: Comment. Geology e91.
- Riding, R. and Braga, J.C. 2005. Halysis Høeg, 1932 - an Ordovician coralline red alga? Journal of Paleontology 79: 835–841.
- Riding, R. 2005. Phanerozoic reefal microbial carbonate abundance: comparisons with metazoan diversity, Mass Extinction events, and seawater saturation state. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 37: 23–39. Download PDF (111Kb)
- Riding, R. and Liang, L. 2005. Seawater chemistry control of marine limestone accumulation over the past 550 million years. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 37: 1–11. Download PDF (70Kb)
- Riding, R. and Liang, L. 2005. Geobiology of microbial carbonates: metazoan and seawater saturation state influences on secular trends during the Phanerozoic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 219: 101–115. Download PDF (400kb)
- Braga, J.C. and Riding, R. 2005. Calcareous algae. In: R. Selley, L.R.M. Cocks, and I.R. Plimer (eds), Encyclopaedia of Geology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 428–436.
- Andrews, J.E., Coletta, P., Pentecost, A., Riding, R., Dennis, S., Dennis, P.F., and Spiro, B. 2004. Equilibrium and disequilibrium stable isotope effects in modern charophyte calcites: implications for palaeoenvironmental studies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 204: 101–114.
- Riding, R. 2004. Solenopora is a chaetetid sponge, not an alga. Palaeontology 47: 117–122.
- Riding, R. 2003. Algal and bacterial carbonate sediments. In: G.V. Middleton (ed.), Encyclopedia of sediments and sedimentary rocks, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 1–3.
- Riding, R. 2002. Structure and composition of organic reefs and carbonate mud mounds: concepts and categories. Earth–Science Reviews 58: 163–231. Download PDF (2.5Mb)
- Riding, R. 2002. Biofilm architecture of Phanerozoic cryptic carbonate marine veneers. Geology 30: 31–34.
- Aguirre, J., Braga, J.C., and Riding, R. 2002. La diversificación de las algas rojas inarticuladas (Corallinales, Rhodophyta). In M. Soler (ed.), Evolución: la base de la biología. Proyecto Sur de Ediciones, Granada, Spain, pp. 527–534.
- Riding, R. and Fan, J. 2001. Ordovician calcified algae and cyanobacteria, northern Tarim Basin subsurface, China. Palaeontology 44: 783–810.
- Andrews, J.E. and Riding, R. 2001. Depositional facies and aqueous–solid geochemistry of travertine–depositing hot springs (Angel Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.) – Discussion. Journal of Sedimentary Research 71: 496–497.
- Riding, R. 2001. Calcified algae and bacteria. In: A.Yu. Zhuravlev and R. Riding (eds), The ecology of the Cambrian radiation. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 445–473.
- Aguirre, J., Riding, R., and Braga, J.C. 2000. Diversity of coralline red algae: origination and extinction patterns from the Early Cretaceous to the Pleistocene. Paleobiology 26: 651–667.
- Watts, N.R., and Riding, R. 2000. Growth of rigid high–relief patch reefs, Mid–Silurian, Gotland, Sweden. Sedimentology 47: 979–994.
- Aguirre, J., Riding, R. and Braga, J.C. 2000. Late Cretaceous incident light reduction: evidence from benthic algae. Lethaia 33: 205–213.
- Brooke, C. and Riding, R. 2000. Graticula and its derivatives, replacement name for the alga Craticula Brooke & Riding non Grunow. Lethaia 33: 82.
- Riding, R., Braga, J.C., and Martín, J.M. 2000. Late Miocene Mediterranean desiccation: topography and significance of the "Salinity Crisis" erosion surface on–land in southeast Spain: Reply. Sedimentary Geology 133: 175–184.
- Riding, R. 2000. Microbial carbonates: the geological record of calcified bacterial–algal mats and biofilms. Sedimentology 47 (Supplement 1): 179–214. Download PDF (11.7Mb)
- Riding, R. 1999. The term stromatolite: towards an essential definition. Lethaia 32: 321–330.
- Guo, L. and Riding, R. 1999. Rapid facies changes in Holocene fissure ridge hot spring travertines, Rapolano Terme, Italy. Sedimentology 46: 1145–1158.
- Merz–Preiß, M. and Riding, R. 1999. Cyanobacterial tufa calcification in two freshwater streams: ambient environment, chemical thresholds and biological processes. Sedimentary Geology 126: 103–124.
- Riding, R. and Barkham, S. 1999. Temperate water Shamovella from the Lower Permian of West Timor, Indonesia. Alcheringa 23: 21–29.
- Mu, X. and Riding, R. 1999. Skeletal ultrastructure of the calcified red alga Galaxaura oblongata, Hainan Island, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 104: 205–212.
- Riding, R., Braga, J.C., and Martín, J.M. 1999. Late Miocene Mediterranean desiccation: topography and significance of the "Salinity Crisis" erosion surface on–land in southeast Spain. Sedimentary Geology 123: 1–7.
- Riding, R., Cope, J.C.W., and Taylor, P.D. 1998. A coralline–like red alga from the Lower Ordovician of Wales. Palaeontology 41: 1069–1076.
- Riding, R. and Sharma, M. 1998. Late Palaeoproterozoic (~1800–1600 Ma) stromatolites, Cuddapah Basin, southern India: cyanobacterial or other bacterial microfabrics? Precambrian Research 92: 21–35.
- Riding, R. and Andrews, J.E. 1998. Carbon isotopic evidence for photosynthesis in Early Cambrian oceans: Comment. Geology 26: 191.
- Brooke, C. and Riding, R. 1998. Ordovician and Silurian coralline red algae. Lethaia 31: 185–195.
- Riding, R., Braga, J.C., Martín, J.M., and Sánchez–Almazo, I.M. 1998. Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis: constraints from a coeval marginal basin, Sorbas, southeastern Spain. Marine Geology 146: 1–20.
- Guo, L. and Riding, R. 1998. Hot–spring travertine facies and sequences, Late Pleistocene, Rapolano Terme, Italy. Sedimentology 45: 163–180.
- Martín, J.M, Braga, J.C. and Riding, R. 1997. Late Miocene Halimeda alga–microbial segment reefs in the marginal Mediterranean Sorbas Basin, Spain. Sedimentology 44: 441–456.
- Andrews, J.E., Riding, R., and Dennis, P.F. 1997. The stable isotope record of environmental and climatic signals in modern terrestrial microbial carbonates from Europe. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 129: 171–189.
- Riding, R. 1997. Stromatolite decline: a brief reassessment. In: F. Neuweiler, J. Reitner, & C. Monty (eds), Biosedimentology of Microbial Buildups, IGCP Project No. 380, Proceedings of 2nd Meeting, Göttingen, Germany. Facies 36: 227-230.
- Riding, R. 1996. Long–term changes in marine CaCO3 precipitation. Mémoirs de la Société géologique de France, n.s., numéro 169: 157–166 (Séance spécialisée: Carbonates intertropicaux, Paris, 3–4 mai, 1993).
- Guo, L., Andrews, J., Riding, R., Dennis, P., and Dresser, Q. 1996. Possible microbial effects on stable carbon isotopes in hot spring travertines. Journal of Sedimentary Research 66: 468–473.
- Braga, J.C., Martín, J.M., and Riding, R. 1996. Internal structure of segment reefs: Halimeda algal mounds in the Mediterranean Miocene. Geology 24: 35–38.
- Andrews, J.E., Riding, R., and Dennis, P.F. 1996. Regional environmental and climatic signatures from stable isotopes in modern terrestrial microbial carbonates from Europe. In S. Bottrell (ed.), International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface, 22-28 July 1996, Conference Proceedings, pp. 174-177, International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, Ilkely, Yorkshire.
- Braga, J.C., Martín, J.M., and Riding, R. 1995. Controls on microbial dome fabric development along a carbonate–siliciclastic shelf–basin transect, Miocene, S.E. Spain. Palaios 10: 347–361.
- Riding, R. and Zhuravlev, A.Yu. 1995. Structure and diversity of oldest sponge–microbe reefs: Lower Cambrian, Aldan River, Siberia. Geology 23: 649–652.
- Guo, L. and Riding, R. 1994. Origin and diagenesis of Quaternary travertine shrub fabrics, Rapolano Terme, central Italy. Sedimentology 41, 499–520.
- Riding, R. 1994. Stromatolite survival and change: the significance of Shark Bay and Lee Stocking Island subtidal columns. In: W.E. Krumbein, D.M. Paterson, and L.J. Stal (eds.), Biostabilization of sediments. Bibliotheks und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg-Verlag, Oldenburg, pp. 183-202.
- Riding, R. 1994. Evolution of algal and cyanobacterial calcification. In: S. Bengtson (ed.), Early life on Earth. Nobel Symposium 84, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 426-438.
- Riding, R. 1993. Phanerozoic patterns of marine CaCO3 precipitation. Naturwissenschaften 80: 513–516.
- Andrews, J.E., Riding, R., and Dennis, P.F. 1993. Stable isotopic composition of Recent freshwater cyanobacterial carbonates from the British Isles: local and regional environmental controls. Sedimentology 40: 303–314.
- Soja, C.M. and Riding, R. 1993. Silurian microbial associations from the Alexander terrane, Alaska. Journal of Paleontology 67: 728–738.
- Riding, R. and Soja, C.M. 1993. Silurian calcareous algae, Cyanobacteria, and Microproblematica from the Alexander terrane, Alaska. Journal of Paleontology 67: 710–728.
- Riding, R. 1993. Shamovella obscura: the correct name for Tubiphytes obscurus (Fossil). Taxon 42: 71–73.
- Martín, J.M., Braga, J.C., and Riding, R. 1993. Siliciclastic stromatolites and thrombolites, late Miocene, S.E. Spain. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 63: 131–139.
- Edwards, D., Baldauf, J.G., Bown, P.R., Dorning, K.J., Feist, M., Gallagher, L.T., Grambast-Fessard, N., Hart, M.B., Powell, A.J., and Riding, R. 1993. Algae. In: M.J. Benton (ed.), The fossil record 2. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 15-40.
- Riding, R. 1993. Stromatolite. In: P. Kearey (ed.), The encyclopedia of the solid Earth sciences, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 604-606.
- Riding, R. 1993. Calcareous algae. In: P. Kearey (ed.), The encyclopedia of the solid Earth sciences, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 78-81.
- Guo, L. and Riding, R. 1992. Aragonite laminae in hot water travertine crusts, Rapolano Terme, Italy. Sedimentology 39: 1067–1079.
- Riding, R. 1992. Temporal variation in calcification in marine cyanobacteria. Journal of the Geological Society, London 149: 979–989.
- Guo, L. and Riding, R. 1992. Microbial micritic carbonates in uppermost Permian reefs, Sichuan Basin, southern China: some similarities with Recent travertines. Sedimentology 39, 37–53.
- Riding, R. and Guo, L. 1992. Affinity of Tubiphytes. Palaeontology 35: 37–49.
- Riding, R. and Watts, N.R. 1991. The lower Wenlock reef sequence of Gotland: facies and lithostratigraphy. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 113: 343–372.
- Riding, R., Martín, J.M., and Braga, J.C. 1991. Coral stromatolite reef framework, Upper Miocene, Almería, Spain. Sedimentology 38: 799–818.
- Riding, R., Braga, J.C. and Martín, J.M. 1991. Oolite stromatolites and thrombolites, Miocene, Spain: analogues of Recent giant Bahamian examples. Sedimentary Geology 71: 121–127.
- Riding, R., Awramik, S.M., Winsborough, B.M., Griffin, K.M., and Dill, R.F. 1991 Bahamian giant stromatolites: microbial composition of surface mats. Geological Magazine 128: 227–234. Download PDF (1.4Mb)
- Riding, R. and Guo, L. 1991. Permian marine calcareous algae. In: Riding (ed.), Calcareous algae and stromatolites. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 452-480.
- Riding, R. 1991. Cambrian calcareous cyanobacteria and algae. In: R. Riding (ed.) Calcareous algae and stromatolites. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 305-334.
- Riding, R. 1991. Calcified cyanobacteria. In: R. Riding (ed.), Calcareous algae and stromatolites. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 55-87.
- Riding, R. 1991. Classification of microbial carbonates. In: R. Riding (ed.), Calcareous algae and stromatolites. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-51.
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- Mu, X. and Riding, R. 1988. Silicification of Permian calcareous algae from Nanjing, China. Geological Magazine 125: 123–139.
- Awramik, S.M. and Riding, R. 1988. Role of algal eukaryotes in subtidal columnar stromatolite formation. Proceedings National Academy of Science USA 85: 1327–1329.
- Voronova, L.G. and Riding, R. 1986. Nature of some Cambrian algae. In: B.S. Sokolov (ed.), Current problems in modern palaeoalgology. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 114-116, 156, 1 pl. In Russian.
- Pentecost, A. and Riding, R. 1986. Calcification in cyanobacteria. In: B.S.C. Leadbeater and R. Riding (eds.), Biomineralization in lower plants and animals. Systematics Association Special Vol. 30, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 73-90.
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- Chuvashov, B. and Riding, R. 1984. Principal floras of Palaeozoic marine calcareous algae. Palaeontology 27: 487–500.
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